Brewed by Theakston’s a well known brewery that is not far off its two hundredth year and described as a legend. A beer described as a legend sounds promising. But is Old Peculier a decent beer?
Although I have drunk this beer before in years gone by, I can’t remember what it was like. So maybe it is a beer easily forgot, or maybe my memory isn’t what it was. Either way I need a revisit.
Is Old Peculier A Decent Beer?
It is like the beer version of the cocktail Espresso Martini, rich and smooth. So if you like that cocktail, then it is a decent beer. It pours black with a moderate tan head and on the nose is coffee malt and light toffee caramel. Likewise the taste is a similar story with rich malty coffee sweetened by dark fruits. The finale lends a little bitterness to kill the sweetness. It is not exceptional but an okay beer which gets a rate my beer score of 3.9 – 5.0.
I couldn’t have more than one, it’s sticky and sweet. The light bitterness at the end is not enough to kill the sweetness.
Theakston Brewery
Theakston Brewery was founded by Robert Theakston way back in 1827 In Masham, North Yorkshire, England. Robert along with his business partner John Wood.
The brewery sparked into life from the cellar of the Black Bull Inn a pub they had leased. Thirteen years later the pub was extended to accommodate a purpose built brew house.
In 1875 a new brewery was built and the death of Robert Theakston saw his two sons take over. Thomas and Robert Jnr formed the partnership T & R Theakston.
Through the early 1900’s the brewery sees many changes through expansion, retirements and deaths. However it still remains within the family until 1984 when disagreements end up in the controlling share being sold.
The result of this sees Paul Theakston the managing director pull away and start the Black Sheep Brewery, also in Masham.
Going full circle, in 2003 the Theakston family buy back the control of the brewery and all is well.
Is Old Peculier A Decent Beer?
Back to the beer in hand, do I like it?
I want to like and I kind of do, however it is not as good as I expected it to be. If it was the only one on offer in a pub, I would have no problem drinking a pint. But if there was ample beers on offer, then it wouldn’t be my first choice.
Having said that it is a well liked beer that has been around for a long time.
The bottle and label project a classic style beer. There are no fancy graphics or outlandish colors, just a an old style traditional look.
Moving on.
Drinking Old Peculier The Legend

Although this is described as a dark ruby beer it doesn’t reflect any of the ruby in the color. It pours black with a modest foamy tan head. The head gradually fades to just a thin cover.
If you hold the beer up to a strong light, there is the slightest of red hue, other than that it is black.
The nose is rich with roasted malts laced with a toffee caramel scent. I don’t get any fruit notes, maybe because the malt overpowers it.
The taste has a rich malt roasted coffee base that is strong. However it is laced with dark berry fruits that lend a sticky sweetness.
At the end a slight bitterness calms down the sweetness, but in my opinion it doesn’t clam it down enough. It’s a smooth ale with a medium body and low carbonation.
At 5.6% Vol it is not a session beer, which is just as well because it is sticky and sweet.
Don’t get me wrong I am not saying it is a bad beer, on the Contrary, it is just a little sweet for me. It gets a rate my beer score of 3.9 – 5.0.
M’Lady only had one thing to say, “It ain’t no legend”. Lou scored it an identical 3.9 – 5.0.
More Rated Beers
Theakston Beers

An old brewery with a rich history means they will have a range of traditional style beers. But do they have any new style beers in response to the craft brews of today.
The answer is they do, however their range of beers is not a huge one by any means. Here are a few I have picked out that I intend to try.
Summit is a session cold pale ale brewed to be served extra chilled. It has a hop bill of Amarillo, Cascade, Eldorado and Summit, so expect a burst of tropical citrus fruits to explode the senses.
It is brewed to be cool and refreshing and has a zesty tangerine flavor. I am pretty sure that is going in my cooler at some point. At 4.2% Vol there maybe more than one.
Dark Mild
Dark Mild is exactly what is says an old style mild beer that was probably first brewed by Robert Theakston back in the day.
Being a mild it is going to be malty with notes of chocolate and liquorice. Being just 3.5% Vol it is mild on strength too.
It is nice to see this style beer coming back on the menu, I’m in.
Christmas Ale
Seeing as we are heading that way, I had to include Theakston’s Christmas Ale. However be warned, I reckon this one is going to be a little rich.
Theakston’s describe it as fruity like wine in the mouth, with hints of cinnamon and raisins flavors. Some describe it as liquid Christmas pudding, I told you, rich.
I am not sure if I am going to try this one, mainly because I don’t like Christmas pudding. Maybe I will get Lou a bottle for Christmas.
Final Thoughts
Although I found Old Peculier a little Peculiar and too sweet. There are a few of Theakston’s beers that have caught my eye.
Hence, my journey will commence through at least some of their range.
On a different note I will also be taking a look at The Black Sheep Brewery also in Masham. The have a Monty Python range, how intriguing.
If you have tried Old Peculier then do share your thoughts below. Do you think it is a legend?
Rob is a passionate home bar and pub shed enthusiast with a passion for craft beer. With hands-on experience in designing and building his own home bar, Rob shares his knowledge, tips, and inspiration to help fellow enthusiasts create their own perfect space. Alongside the world of home bars and pub sheds, Rob also explores the diverse and exciting realm of craft beer, providing honest reviews to help you discover your next favorite brew. Join Rob on a journey of flavor, design, and craftsmanship right here on Home Bar Kit.
Old Peculiar is a very good beer if drunk at the right temperature, at the right time and in the right environment. One also has to take account of your age and taste preferences.
Yes there might be better beers but get the above right and I would suggest the beer is hard to beat.
Hi Richard,
Old Peculier is a good beer, drinking it at the right temperature is important. I think the environment that suits it best is in front of a roaring fire on a wintery day. For me though I just find it a little sweet and would prefer a little more bitterness.
Still a good beer though.
Thanks for your thoughts
Drank this beer frequently on our climbing trips to Lake District. Found it tasty and on more than one occassion went back for more. Ticks all the boxes on my beer list alongside Wychwoods Hobgoblin and King Goblin.
Hi Brian,
Now that environment suits it well, a country pub in the lake district, this is where Old Peculier can really shine. As for the Hobgoblin range, great beers and among my favourites, they tick all the boxes for me.
Thanks for your thoughts
One of the best beers you can drink,even better when you have it on draft.
Hi Ivor,
I haven’t had Old Peculier on draft, but would love to, I bet it is better than out of a bottle.
What! Are from south of Watford??
Really.. on draft it is a fabulous beer … The only competition is a black sheep brewery rigswelter from just up the road…
One of the first beers I drunk as a teenager and I remember it being strong dark and heavenly in a glass… Still think the same many years later
It’s a taste thing and the same as everything in life, one man’s poison…
So dont take a reviewers word for it .. go to Yorkshire and try it in a local pub…
Hi Mark,
Yea I am from south of Watford, London Originally, however I live in Wales now, so I guess I am west of Watford. I only said in reply to David in the last comment that I would love to try it on tap. It seems that Old Peculier is a different pint on draught compared to the bottled version.
So you might see me in Yorkshire next year supping on a pint of Old Peculier in your local, I’ll buy you a pint too.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts
Metal or wood cask, it makes a difference
Hi Mr Macrae Clifton,
I believe that Old Peculier is sold in wooden casks, they have there own Cooper Jonathan Manby. Got to be better than metal.
I first drank this as a Yorkshire teenager in the late 70s and it tasted like nectar. I next encountered it as a student in a London pub where it was only sold in halves as it was accounted too strong for Londoners to handle pints! It didn’t travel well and was overpriced down there so it was only when I returned north many years later that I drank it again, and usually only in bottles as it’s not often found on handpump. I’ve just used it in my Christmas pudding as Tesco sell it at the same price as weaker beers ?
Hi Trevor,
That is mad that it was only served in halves in London, and that it didn’t travel well. A great beer to add to a Christmas pudding, could go well in a steak and ale pie too.
The bottle is a very poor imitation of a truly great cask beer imo. Go to Masham, go to the White Bear for an outstanding pint. A fine example of a dying style Old Ale – fruity, rich, balanced smooth bitterness almost vinous in a good way.
Hi Colin,
I have only had it from a bottle, but would definitely like to try it from the cask. Masham is a long way from me, but you never know I might get there one day, if I do I will be sure to go to the White Bear.
A shadow of what it used to be. It used to be a complex beer with multidimensional flavours. Now it lacks subtlety and is one dimensional. I miss the old peculiar.
Hi Robert,
Interesting, so you think it has lost some of its charm and flavour, could be I guess. It is not unheard of for a beer to change over time, and not for the better.
Thanks for your thoughts
Black swan in Bedale. Drank 6 pints of it. Never to this day remembered I had fish n chips and mushy peas after the pub. Good stuff on tap. Not so good in bottles. Daio
Hi David,
Wow, 6 pints of Old Peculier and a fish n chip dinner, now that’s a night out. Many people have said it is better on tap than the bottle. I have only had the bottle version, so would love to try it on tap.
Thanks for your thoughts
It’s a gorgeous beer, better on draught
Hi Steve,
Yea I have heard it is better on tap, looking forward to trying a pint when I find it.
I think OP has changed over the last few years. It used to be darker and more like a proper old ale, like old tom, but it is not as robust as it was. What do others think
Hi T,
You are not the only one to say it is not the beer it use to be, however many also say that it is a different and better beer on from the cask. I am not sure whether you have had the bottle or cask version, but I get what you are saying.
Thanks fro your thoughts