Buro Brauerei is a brewery located in Rheinland Pfalz region of Germany. Translated it means Office Brewery, but where it is I do not know.
Maybe it is just an office and not a brewery at all. On the cans of the beer I have tried from this brewery it says it is brewed and canned by St Ives Brewery in Cornwall, England.
Untapped say it is brewed by Privatbrauerei Bischoff which happens to be in the same region of Germany.
The Buro Brauerei website gives nothing away either, a one page site showing three beers and linked to Beer52. Which sell Buro Brauerei beers exclusively.
I did notice on the cans that this brewery was established in 2023, so it is a new brewery. Maybe there will be more to come in way of information and beer.
Anyhow, so far I have tried two beers from this brewery, Schwarzbier and Marzen, which are both on this page.
If I get to try any more then they will be added too.