Is Wrecker Amber Ale A Nice Beer

Wrecker Amber Ale comes from the Evan Evans Brewery in Llandeilo, Wales. A Buckley family brewery who have a brewing history going back to 1767, so they know a thing or two about beer. But is Wrecker Amber Ale a nice beer?

Wrecker Amber Ale is a nice beer, in fact it’s a really nice beer. It looks good with its deep brown and amber colours. It smells good with plenty of biscuity malts and fruity hop aromas. And it tastes good too, a rich caramel biscuit base and hoppy body with dark berry fruits make for a smooth full bodied beer experience. It gets a rate my beer score of 4.5 out of 5.0.

My good friend Dangerous Jen gave me this beer and she picked a cracker, what a star, thanks Jen.

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Wrecker Amber Ale Review

Wrecker stands tall in a 500ml brown bottle, the sea green label features an octopus clutching an anchor. Below it says ‘Wrecker Ship Shape Amber Ale’ and the bottle collar has the breweries name, Evan Evans.

Time to crack it open and pour into a standard pint glass. It pours a deep brown colour, hold it up to the light and you get an orange tone to the beer.

A one finger off white head sits on top, but does fade to a thin cover. However give the glass a swirl at any time and the foamy top returns.

The nose is rich with biscuit bready malt, a hint of dark fruity hop aromas buzz around the rim of the glass.

The smell sets you up nicely for the taste, which is rich and full bodied with a good balance of sweet and bitterness.

A rich almost toffee biscuit malt is firmly in place from the off. A hop bitterness joins the party carrying a dark berry fruit flavour of blackcurrant.

It is rich, smooth, full bodied and well balanced. At 4.5% ABV it’s hard not to go for a second pint.

Wrecker Amber Ale Score

To sum up, Wrecker is a really nice rich malty beer with a good underline hop bitterness and some dark berry fruits.

This is a no nonsense beer, nothing fancy, just a good honest real ale packed with flavour.

I like it, a well balanced beer that gets a decent rate my beer score of 4.5 out of 5.0.

M’Lady also enjoyed it saying, “A refreshing smooth ale with biscuit and dark beery fruits, a fresh tasting beer.” Lou scores it exactly the same at 4.5 out of 5.0.

Good job Evan Evans, talking of which, here is a little about the brewery.

Evan Evans Brewery

Evan Evans Brewery was founded in 2004 by Simon Buckley who’s family have a brewery history of over 250 years.

The Buckley Brewery slipped from the grasp of the Buckley family in 1989 and eventually ended up in the hands of Brains Brewery in 1999.

Simon Buckley went onto to form Tomos Watkins Brewery in 1995. However in 2002 it was taken over by Hurns Brewery.

With brewing in his blood it wasn’t long before Simon founded a new brewery and pub group. Thankfully two decades on Evan Evans is still independent and firmly in the hands of the Buckley family.

Simons son James Buckley is safely at the helm.

Here is an interesting video of Simon Martin of the Real Ale Craft Beer channel on Youtube talking to Simon Buckley.

The Evan Evans Beer Range

Evan Evans built on tradition and a rich history of brewing don’t have a vast range of beers. However they do have a solid range of beers.

The one thing you can be assured with an Evan Evans beer is that it screams quality. Living in Wales myself I have experienced one of their main beers CWRW many times from the cask.

As well as the popular Warrior and WPA beers. But I yet to review those beers as well as the rest of their range. Something I look forward to, so here are a few of their beers.


CWRW which simply means beer in Welsh is a classic real ale that has been a Welsh favourite for many years. This beer travels and as a result is an international award winning ale.

A rich amber ale with plenty of malt flavours balanced with a nice fruity edge. It weighs in at just 4.2% ABV giving the green light for a second helping.

A good real ale that is lovely on pump, I have enjoyed many times. So I must get around to reviewing it.

Black Mountain

Black Mountain is a pale ale with a little American influence. Brewed with ingredients from around the world, and I suspect there is an American hop in there somewhere.

It is light, fruity with a bitter edge, well that is how I see it, but I need to get my hands on some to know for sure.

At 4.7% ABV it is at the higher end of the session range. This beer might be Evan Evans dipping their toes in the craft beer style pale ale.

But I don’t think they will fully emerge themselves, well I hope not.

Sea Scape

Sea Scape is a golden beer with a little citrus edge making it fresh and crisp. A fairly new beer for Evan Evans it strong malty body with some fresh lemon and lime flavours.

At 4.6% ABV again it is a session beer and one that sounds like it could be a thirst quencher on warm day.

I am prepared to even try it on a cold day, I just need to get some first.

Final Thoughts

Evan Evans then are a well established brewery with a wealth of brewing history under their belt. As well as their main brand, they also brew beer under several other brands.

Artisan Organic, Celt, Fire Island and Redhog cider are their other brands.

I personally like traditional breweries like Evan Evans and the type pf beer they produce. I certainly enjoyed Wrecker Amber Ale, thanks Jen.

If you have tried Wrecker or any of the Evan Evans beers, then do share your thoughts below. Let me know what you think of this Welsh brewers beers.

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