What Is The Best Selling Beer In The World? Snow Beer Review

There are a few beers that might come to mind when we ask which one is the best selling beer. However the beer at the top in terms of volume sold might surprise you. So what is the best selling beer in the world?

Snow Beer is the best selling beer in the world, a lager from China, and I have got my hands on some. But what is it like? It pours a straw colour with half a finger white head. On the nose it has nothing to offer, a hint of malt and a slight dank smell. The taste doesn’t offer much more, just a hint of malt, but no real flavour, just a sweetness that is not balanced by any bitterness. It scores just 2.5 out of 5.0 and that is being generous.

Snow beer is like a bad macro beer, there’s not much to it.

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Snow Beer Review

I have been trying to get hold of Snow Beer for two years now but can’t find it in the UK. I wrote a post about two years ago on how this beer is the best selling beer in the world and I have finally got my hands on some.

A colleague of Lou recently went to Hong Kong and kindly brought some back for me. His name is Michael, so thank you Michael.

On to the beer and it stands in a tall 500ml can with a mountain climber climbing the face of a mountain. In the background are snow covered mountains. It simply says Snow Beer on the front and that’s about it.

When I wrote about it two years ago it was showing 4.0% ABV. However the can in my hand says 5.0% ABV, so they seem to have up the strength a little.

It is time to crack the can and get it into a glass.

Drinking Snow Beer

I don’t know why, but I am not expecting much from this beer. And it is a good thing because it doesn’t really deliver.

It actually turns out that it is not as bad as I thought it would be, but that does not mean it is a good beer.

It pours a light straw gold with a small fluffy white head. The head doesn’t fade much and there is a good amount of carbonation.

On the nose it is really weak, the slightest hint of malt, but mainly a light dank smell. Lou says it smells a little like damp cardboard, I get what she means.

The taste does not save it, again just a hint of malt, but no real flavour, just a bit watery and thin. It is quite sweet in the mouth although quite smooth, but no bitterness to balance the sweetness.

To sum up Snow Beer is a bland, watery thin beer, a pretty bad macro beer. It gets a rate my beer score of 2.5 out of 5.0, and I think I am being generous.

M’Lady doesn’t have much to add, saying ” Just about palatable, but there’s nothing to it.” Lou scores it the same 2.5 out of 5.0.

China Resources Snow Breweries

China Resources Snow Beer is based in Beijing, China and is one of the biggest brewing companies in China.

Snow Beer was brewed by Shenyang Snow Beer Company, but it was acquired by CRSnowBeer and SABMiller, with the latter owning 49% stake.

However in 2016 Anheuser-Busch InBev acquired SABMiller and as a result had to sell the Snow Beer stake to satisfy regulators. So CRSnowBeer became the whole business.

Although it is said that Heineken signed an agreement with CRSB for a 40% Stake in the business.

Snow Beer is the best selling beer in the world, but CRSB do produce other beers too. And it is said that Snow Beer has recently entered some of the American market.

Final Thoughts

I am glad I have tried Snow beer, but although it is the best selling beer in the world. I can assure you it is not the best tasting beer in the world.

It doesn’t taste like it is a 5.0% ABV beer, in fact it just doesn’t taste of much at all. It is watery and thin with no body, or any bitterness at all.

I didn’t expect much, and I didn’t get much, but it was worth it, I think.

If you have tried Snow Beer, then do share your thoughts below and let me know what you thought of it.

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