What Is Sumbel Porter Like

Sumbel Porter is a beer brewed in the village Flåm, Norway, which by the way is absolutely stunning. The brewery that makes the beer is Ægir Bryggeri (Ægir Brewery) and is housed in the lively brewpub Flåmsbrygga (Flåms Bridge). So what is Sumbel Porter like?

Sumbel Porter is a decent beer, I mean it’s a really good porter. It is rich with roasted malts bursting with coffee and chocolate notes. Full bodied porter that is smooth as silk with an almost rum like warming feeling. This is a good porter and gets a rate my beer score 4.4 – 5.0.

I like this porter, however I think it is a one beer only beer, I am not sure if I would have more than one in a sitting.

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Sumbel Porter Review

The beer sits in a stubby 330ml brown can with a design I can only refer to as viking, but I may be wrong. However I think Sumbel has a connection with the Vikings, being a drinking celebration.

Anyway on with the beer review.

Crack open the can and pour the beer and it settles to a near black liquid with a one finger cream foamy top. The head fades quickly to a thin layer just covering the beer.

On the nose aromas of roasted malts rise from the glass. Hints of coffee and dark chocolate with a slight rum or brandy aroma hiding in the background.

Lou describes as a smell she can’t identify, for me it smells like rum or brandy.

Take a sip and this porter delivers on flavour. Rich malts with roasted coffee and dark chocolate hit the palate. There is a smoky flavour and just like the smell something lurking in the background.

A slight liquor flavour like rum, brandy or even sherry just teases but never quite comes to anything.

It’s a luxurious smooth porter that is sweet, but not over sweet. There is no bitterness to it, and it could become a little sickly. For that reason I think it is a one drink beer, that would suit after a nice meal.

Sumbel Porter Score

Although I think Sumbel Porter is a great beer full of flavour, I am glad it is only in the small 330ml can. For me I can only describe it as a liqueur kind of beer, a sweet alcoholic drink you would have after a meal.

This beer fits that perfectly, so even though it is a session beer at 4.7% ABV, just the one will suffice.

Sumbel gets a rate my beer score of 4.4 out of 5.0.

M’Lady who is not keen on a porter or stout actually likes the Sumbel. “A pleasant porter with a mixture of coffee and caramel flavours with a hint of something I Can’t identify. It leaves a warmth in the back of the throat.”

Lou scores it slightly less at 4.3 out of 5.0.

The verdict is Sumbel is a great after dinner porter liqueur.

Ægir Bryggeri

So what about the brewery, well let me start by saying this is a brewery/pub I really have to visit. The setting is beautiful and the brewery/pub looks just fantastic.

Anyway it started life as a restaurant called Furukroa and in 2004 Evan Lewis and Aud Melås had the opportunity to buy it.

Evan Lewis is an American who is passionate about brewing, he started homebrewing in the 1980’s. Aud Melås is Evans partner and from Norway.

So in 2004 they acquired the restaurant and turned it into a brew pub that quite frankly looks amazing. The brewery is named after Aegir the god of the sea from the Nordic Mythology.

They like to brew traditional style beers while experimenting with new ideas and the idea of pairing beer with food.

A little about Flåm, Norway.

Ægir Bryggeri Beers

Aegir Brewery have an exciting range of beers, some traditional, some craft and some out there beers. From IPA’s, pale ales and amber beers, to pina colada Witbier and a chilli Helles lager.

Apart form that, they also make a mead and some gin too.

This is a beer range I want to get stuck into, although I am not sure about the Pina Colada Witbier.

Here are a few featured beers from Aegir Brewery.


I thought I would start with something light. Ragnarok is a 15% ABV Belgian Quadrupal, not that light then.

A barrel aged dark beer brewed with orange peel, exotic sugars and hints of apple and dried fruits. Taking its strength, this is a beer to be respected.

Aegir say it is a beer to be sipped by itself (no kidding), or enjoyed with cheese or meat dishes. I say just be careful however you decide to drink it.

Habañero Helles

What could be better than a Munich Helles Lager with a spicy chilli. Well that is what Aegir have done by taking extracts from the Habañero chilli pepper.

They have plonked it right in the lager and say it has aromas and flavours of the chillies. It also has a spicy kick which doesn’t overpower.

At 4.7% ABV at least the strength won’t blow your head off, but I don’t know about the chillies.

This one sounds interesting, I love spicy foods, so a chilli beer sounds good. However does it work? I’m on a mission to find out.

Upstate IPA

Aegirs founder Evan has gone back to his roots and produced a New England stye hazy unfiltered IPA. Packed with citrus and floral aromas and flavours it could be a craft beer crowd pleaser.

At 4.7% ABV we know where we are with this style of beer. I wonder how it fairs among all the NEIPA’s out there. Again I will have to find out.

Final Thoughts

I enjoyed Sumbel Porter and I think Aegir Brewery is something a little different. They have a great range of beers.

Although some are traditional and craft, I do like the little experiments they do with introducing other flavours into beer.

Flavours you might not even think of putting in beer, unless of course you are Evan Lewis.

If you have tried any of Aegir beers then do share your thoughts below. I would love to know how some of their more wacky beers go down.

I’m off to speak to Lou about visiting Flåm in Norway (while we are there we Might as well visit Ægir Bryggeri).

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