Is Dai IPA From Bragdy Aberteifi Any Good

Another beer from the Crafty Dai range that come out of the Bragdy Aberteifi, which is the Cardigan Brewery on the West Coast of Wales. A 4.8% ABV bottle condition hazy India Pale Ale. But is Dai IPA from Bragdy Aberteifi any good?

I recently tried another beer from the Crafty Dai range. Sunny Dai which is a golden ale and a very good beer. So can Dai IPA compete with its high scoring sibling, or will it fall short.

Is Dai IPA From Bragdy Aberteifi Any Good?

It’s not the best IPA, but it is pleasant enough. It pours a hazy mid gold with a generous white cap. On the nose its hoppy and citrus, but without much power. The taste is hoppy too with tropical citrus flavours of pineapple and grapefruit with a sherbet lemon twist. A little mild bitterness finishes things off. It gets a rate my beer score of 3.9 – 5.0.

Dai IPA is okay, but it doesn’t blow your mind or your socks off.

Cardigan Brewery

Is Dai IPA From Bragdy aberteifi Any Good

Cardigan Brewery is a union of Penlon Brewery and Innkeeper Wales, which is a hotel and pub company.

The brewery is located at Y Bryn a’r Bragdy in Brynhoffnant, close to Cardigan and is a brewery tap and restaurant.

Two different beer ranges are brewed, Crafty Dai and the Penlon range. Both are available in bottles and on tap at Y Bryn a’r Bragdy. I am sure their beers are also available in other pubs, which is bound to grow over time.

All their beers at present are bottle conditioned, so sediment will be present in the bottle.

Anyway onto the beer in hand.

Is Dai IPA Any Good?

After trying Sunny Dai recently which was damn good, I have high hopes for Dai IPA. However it does fall a little short in comparison. But it is still a fairly decent IPA, so no major complaints.

The brown bottle with its green label states that it is a hazy IPA. Remember it is bottle conditioned. So if you don’t like sediment then pour it in one smooth action and pull back before the last inch of beer.

This way you will leave the sediment in the bottle. I am okay with the sediment, so pour the whole lot in the glass.

Drinking Dai IPA

It pours a mid gold and has a two finger fluffy white top. This does fade a little, but a thin cover sticks around and leaves a pretty good lacing.

On the nose it is pretty conservative. But there are hoppy citrus notes with hints of lemon and pineapple.

The taste is a pleasant one, with a hop forward character and plenty of citrus bite. Tropical pineapple and grapefruit lead the way. Then a dry sherbet lemon joins the party and spoils things a little.

It makes it feel a little synthetic and light, however the saving grace is a nice bitter finish.

Personally I think the sherbet lemon is a little too much, tone that down for a more bitter kick and it becomes a winner. It gets a rate my beer score of 3.9 – 5.0.

Lou thought it was okay too saying “A fairly typical IPA with less depth, a nice fruity tang, but a bit of a flat finish.” Lou scores it a slightly higher 4.1 – 5.0.

Cardigan Brewery Beers

Is Dai IPA From Bragdy aberteifi Any Good

Although Cardigan brewery is a small outfit, they do produce a good number of beers over two ranges. The Penlon range which includes a lager, light ale, a best bitter and a stout.

As well as the Crafty Dai range which includes a golden ale, pale ale, best bitter and a porter. But there are more, and I am sure the range will only grow in the future.

Here are few of their beers from both ranges that I have my eye on.

Tipsy Tup

Tipsy Tup is a straight forward pale ale with herbal aromas and plenty of hoppy fruit flavours. It is penned as a truly refreshing pale ale.

Tipsy Tup is part of the Penlon range and will be a good summer session beer at just 3.8% Vol. A popular beer garden quencher, but just at home at the family barbecue.

Dai Cockles

This one is right up my street, a strong ale from the Crafty Dai range that promises to be strong on flavour. A dark ruby ale with a powerful malt base. The bit I like the sound of best is the spicy bitter hop finish, bring it on.

It’s not designed as a session beer, weighing in at 5.4% Vol, but it does sound like a cracker and is bound to warm the cockles.

Crafty Dai

This is the flagship beer form the Crafty Dai range and is a strong pale ale. Herbal aromas kick things off, and a body of biscuit malts please the palate. As those malty biscuit flavours develop in the mouth the finale is all about spicy nuts.

Sounds like a beer worth knowing, and one that sits on the session boundary. At 5.0% Vol it’s up to you whether you are going to be a Crafty Dai and pour a second beer.

Final Thoughts

Cardigan brewery maybe small, but they are producing some great beers. Although Dai IPA is not my favourite IPA, that sherbet lemon just doesn’t hit the right notes for me.

However that is not to say others may love that part of this beer.

News has just come in that one of my locals has got a Crafty Dai beer on tap. Sources tell me it is Dai Bach, but I have no Idea what style of beer it is. I think I need to investigate the situation and report my findings when I have more to go on.

If you have sampled any of the Cardigan brewery beers from either range. Then why not report your findings and share your thoughts below.

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