Pressure Drop Brewing was founded in 2012 by three friends. Ben Freeman, Sam Smith and Graham O’Brian started their brewing venture in Grahams garden shed on a small home brew kit.
It wasn’t long before they made a move to a railway arch in Hackney, London. With more equipment they were able to produce more beer. So by early 2013 they sold their first beer and they real brewing journey began.
Quietly working away at the art of making beer, they started to grow in popularity. They became known for their juicy New England IPA’s and pale ales.
2015 saw them on the search to find larger premises and expansion was on the horizon. A two year journey resulted in them moving into bigger premises in Tottenham, London.
Today, more than a decade from the humble shed days, Pressure Drop Brewing is well established producing popular quality beers.
On this page will be all the beers I get to try from this exciting brewery. The list will grow over time.