Is Damm Lemon Beer Any Good?

Damm Lemon Beer is a radler/shandy style beer with plenty of lemon flavour. It comes from the well known Damm Brewery that make the popular Estrella beer. I am not keen on shandy, so not sure how I will get on with this one, so is it any good?

Damm Lemon Beer is okay if you love lemons, otherwise it might be a lemon too far. It pours a slightly cloudy lemon looking light yellow with little to no head. On the nose it almost burns your nostrils it is so lemony, sharp citrus bursts from the glass. The taste is a similar story, just bursting with lemons and not much else. It is light and quite refreshing, but for me its more of a lemon cordial than a beer, it gets 2.0 out of 5.0.

If I didn’t know this was suppose to contain beer, then I would just think it is a lemon cordial drink.

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Damm Lemon Beer Review

I did actually try this beer in Spain recently, I only had one can and it did come across as a light refreshing drink. However back in the UK and the lack of sunshine and heat and it doesn’t work the same.

I will say that in both Spain and the UK it doesn’t taste like a beer, the lemon is just too powerful.

It sits in a pale yellow 330ml can with plenty of lemons featured. It says it is 6 parts beer and 4 parts lemon with a dash of lime.

It weighs in at a light 3.2% ABV so an ideal light drink for those sunny days, that is if you like lemons.

So how does it fair as a beer then?

Drinking Damm Lemon Beer

Crack open the can and pour and it settles to a light yellow colour with a slight haze to it. A good amount of carbonation rises up the glass, but there is little to no head to speak of.

You don’t have to get too close to the glass to smell this drink, but when you do it is very strong lemon. A sharp citrus lemon just bursts out of the glass.

I tried my hardest to detect some kind of beer smell, but the lemon is just too overpowering.

The taste goes down the same route, zesty citrus lemon that makes you pucker your face. Again I get nothing in terms of a beer taste because it is way to loaded with lemons.

It is light and even quite refreshing, but it is not beer, it is a lemon drink and gets a rate my beer score of 2.0 out of 5.0.

M’Lady quite likes it, saying “I like it, but then I like shandy, if you like a lighter beer then it’s a refreshing little drink. Having said that there is not much in the way of a beer.” Lou scores it 3.2 out of 5.0 as a beer.

However Lou says as a drink she likes it could be 4+ or as a lemon cordial the 5.0 out of 5.0.

Although Lou likes it as a drink, she does agree it is not really a beer.

Damm Brewery

The Damm brewery is in Barcelona, Spain, the original brewery was founded back in 1876 by August Kuentzmann Damm, his wife Melanie and his cousin Joseph Damm.

The three moved to Spain from France and pursued their dream of brewing beer. The original brewery is now a museum, restaurant with a small micro brewery.

Damm have another brewery in a different part of Barcelona where they brew beers like Estrella Damm and Voll Damm a 7.2% ABV double malt beer.

Apparently Estrella Damm is the oldest brand in Spain and popular throughout the world as a decent lager beer.

Damm Beers

At present Damm have nine beers on their website, some of which are alcohol free and of course the Damm Lemon shandy.

I have had probably half of their range over the years, including the famous Estrella. Here are a few more Damm Beers.


Inedit is a different kind of beer, in fact it is two beers in one brewed with spices. So it is a traditional pilsner style malted barley beer, as well as a wheat beer brewed in the style of a Witbier, then brewed with spices.

Sounds like a bit of a concoction, but one I would like to try. Orange peel, coriander and liquorice are used to give this beer its unusual flavour.

It weighs in at 4.8% ABV so is a session beer. although will its unusual flavour allow for more than one, or could one be enough?


Daura is crafted to remove Gluten lager beer, so a gluten free beer. A beer with an impressive list of awards under its belt. With flavours of toasted grains, Daura is a fresh tasting beer with a lively acidity and a nice bitter finish.

This gold coloured beer weighs in at 5.4% ABV, so is not a session beer, but sounds like a refreshing lively lager. One I will look out for, it sounds pretty good.


As you might have guessed, Free Damm is an alcohol free beer. Brewed in the same way as alcoholic beers and then removing the alcohol to zero.

It looks a clean sparkling gold with a fluffy white top. It is crisp and clean if flavour with hints of grains and toast with a little bitter finish.

Of course it weighs in at 0.0% ABV and it isn’t a bad zero beer, I had some while in Spain recently, but didn’t review. I will have to get around to put this right.

Final Thoughts

It is plain to see that Damm Brewery know how to make beer, and there beers are always made with quality ingredients.

I do like their Estrella and there Voll Damm, but I can’t say the same for their Lemon Damm. For me it is just a lemon drink and not a beer.

If you have tried Lemon Damm, then do share your thoughts below. Perhaps you like it, let me know below.

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