Howling Hops Brewery

Howling Hops Brewery is located in Hackney Wick, East London. Back in 2008 the founder Pete Holt use to run a pub, the Southampton Arms. He drank the beer, sold the beer and then decided to brew the beer.

Realising the demand for he needed to find space to brew beer. In 2011 he took over the Cock Tavern and used the basement as a small brewery. The beer was brewed and then sold in the bar.

However space became tight as the demand grew. In 2015 the brewery moved to Hackney Wick where it is still brewing today.

The brewery also has the tank bar where beer is brew in ten tanks and served straight from the tanks. It has to be the freshest beer around.

Howling Hops brew many beers and are always moving forward experimenting with flavours and hops. On this page you will find the beers I get to try from this exciting brewery.