Schwarzbier means black beer and Buro Brauerei is Office Brewery. But apart from the beer in the glass, that is all I have got. Except for the artwork on the can by Yeye Weller who are as forthcoming as the Office Brewery.
Yea, basically it is hard to find out anything about this beer, or the people that brew it. But hold on, this is brewed and canned by St Ives brewery in Cornwall. Schwarzbier by Buro Brauerei, what is it like?
Schwarzbier from Buro Brauerei or St Ives Brewery is a nice beer. It pours totally black with a two finger off white head. On the nose there is not much to talk about, a mild malt with a hint of roasted coffee. When it comes to the taste, things heat up a little. A rich caramel malt is supported by a mellow roasted coffee with a hint of chocolate, followed by a liquorice aftertaste. I like it and it gets a rate my beer score of 4.5 out of 5.0.
It,s a little fizzy like a lager wearing porter clothing.
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Schwarzbier Review

So Schwarzbier is a black beer or a dark lager from Germany. So when I pulled the little can from the fridge it poured completely black in colour with a light tan two finger head that faded by half in size, but then stuck around for the duration.
On the nose there is not much to talk about, a little malt accompanied by the slightest of coffee aroma. However Lou thought it had the aroma of cola, which is bizarre.
It’s time for a taste, and thing get interesting here. A rich caramel malt delights the palate with notes of roasted coffee and a hint of chocolate in the background.
This is all delivered on a fizzy carbonation which is unexpected but real as it is a lager after all. The finish has the slightest bitter feel and the aftertaste is all about a liquorice smack.
At just 4.2% ABV it is worth going for a second, especially as it stand in a small 330ml can.
Rate Schwarzbier
I Like it, a pretty nice beer of this style of course from Germany, or is it?
As I said, I like it, a nice porter style beer with lager tendencies, or is that the other way round. It could do with a little more bitterness, but anyway it gets a rate my beer score of 4.5 out 5.0, which also surprised me.
M’Lady quite likes it too, Lou says “Initial smell of cola that develops into an aroma of caramel, coffee and a hint of chocolate. I wasn’t sure I would like this beer, but I do.” Lou scores it 4.4 out of 5.0.
A decent beer then.
Buro Brauerei
Whenever I drink a beer I like to find out about the brewery behind that beer. Then pass on what I learn to you, it works for me and I hope it works for you.
Some breweries give you everything, which is great, why wouldn’t you shout loud about the beer you brew, I would.
However there are some breweries that seem to hide in the shadows, I don’t know why, but this is one of them.
Buro Brauerei or Office Brewery I guess is a brewery, but if I’m honest I have come to the end of caring.
The beer came from Beer52 the well known online beer club as part of an Oktoberfest special. So I got eight beers all from Germany.
Buro Brauerei does indeed seem to be a brewery based in the Rheinland-Pfalz region of Germany. That’s as far as it goes, their website gives nothing away. All you can find out is that their beer is sold exclusively through Beer52 in collaboration with Yeye Weller.
Yeye Weller is an illustrator/artist who’s handy work is obviously on the Schwarzbier can.
However if you can squint hard enough to read the tiny print on the can. You find out this beer is brewed and canned by St Ives brewery, Cornwall, England.
Then there is a suggestion by Untapped that it is brewed by Privatbrauerei Bischoff. Which is Bischoff Private Brewery in Winnweiler a municipality in the Donnersbergkreis, in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany.
Like I said, as enthusiastic as I am about beer and the breweries that make it, on this occasion I am pass caring.
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Buro Brauerei Beer Range

Well there doesn’t appear to be much in the way of a beer range. Only two others on offer, which is fine because if they are as good as the Schwarzbier, then they are worth drinking.
As you would expect from the name, this is a typical German style lager. Crisp, clean and coldly refreshing. Made with the finest German hops and malts.
It weighs in just inside the session range at 4.9% Vol and is a bier I would like to try.
On the Buro Brauerei website it also says that Schwarzbier is 4.9% Vol. However on my can it says 4.2% Vol. So I don’t know what I’m drinking, but its nice.
Well they are all straightforward names, you know what you are getting before you drink. So Weizen is a wheat beer, hazy in appearance with notes of banana and cloves.
It weighs in at 5.3% Vol taking it out of the session range. Again another beer I would like to try.
Final Thoughts
Although the brewery seems to be a little elusive, the beer is good. I am still not sure who actually brews it, but like I say, it is a really good beer.
The carbonation of a lager with the tastes of a porter, it’s a typical black lager really. And going by this Schwarzbier, I would definitely like to try the other two mentioned.
Although I think they have brewed other beers too, a London Porter and a Kolsch come to mind.
If you have tried Schwarzbier or have any more information about who is behind it. Then do share your thought below. If you haven’t tried it, then do, I don’t think you will be disappointed.
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Rob is a passionate home bar and pub shed enthusiast with a passion for craft beer. With hands-on experience in designing and building his own home bar, Rob shares his knowledge, tips, and inspiration to help fellow enthusiasts create their own perfect space. Alongside the world of home bars and pub sheds, Rob also explores the diverse and exciting realm of craft beer, providing honest reviews to help you discover your next favorite brew. Join Rob on a journey of flavor, design, and craftsmanship right here on Home Bar Kit.