What Are The Key Aspects Of A Pub Shed Interior?

Once you have built your pub shed or prepared an existing one to convert, it is time to fit out the pub shed interior. This is the exciting part, but not one you want to rush. There are some key aspects to think about before you get stuck in.

The key aspects of a pub shed interior are insulation and decor, the bar layout and set up, storage, seating arrangements, appliances, electricals and socket outlets and lighting. These are all essential elements you will need to plan before you start fitting out your pub shed interior.

I have laid these key aspects out in order of planning, rather than order of doing. Your sockets and lighting will probably be the first job before insulation and decor. However, until you go through the other elements you won’t know how many socket outlets you need or where to place them.

So remember this is a planning guide, not a doing guide.

Table Of Contents

Insulation And Decor

Obviously the first thing you need to decide is whether you are going to insulate your pub shed. This will depend on climate, what type of building you have, and of course personal choice.

I have a cabin style pub shed, so I insulated the floor, but not the walls and roof. The walls are thick and do not need insulating. However through the winter I did lose a fair amount of heat through the roof, so I do plan to insulate this in the future.

A standard style shed will probably need the walls insulating because they are quite thin in comparison to a cabin style.

Once you have decided on what you are insulating you can measure and plan your materials ready for when the time comes to order and fit them.

The decor is the next thing to think about, not pictures or things that will decorate your walls. But the basic material and colour of your walls.

Once you have fitted your insulation you may be using wood paneling, or perhaps plasterboard. Whatever your wall covering is will determine what you put on top of it.

Wooden paneling will need a paint suitable for wood, where as plasterboard will need skimming and/or painting with suitable paint.

Again once you decide on the material for your walls and the paint needed you can measure up and for the materials.

Bar Layout And Set Up

Pub Shed Interior

The bar is the focal point in a pub shed, this is the exciting part combining both aesthetics and functionality. It’s essential to start with a clear plan that reflects the available space and anticipates your needs.

I recommend measuring the area and possibly drawing the bar’s dimensions on the floor. Or use some boxes to mock a bar up, this gives you a real perspective of how it fits in the space.

This visual aid can help prevent common mistakes such as building or purchasing a bar that’s too large or small for your shed.

The design of the bar should reflect your personal style. Whether you go for a classic wooden finish or a modern industrial look, the design sets the tone for your entire pub shed.

But the most important point here is the size of your bar and how it fits into your bar. Too small and you will be for ever cursing about not having enough space. Too big and it will dominate your whole bar space. So spend a little time on this until you are comfortable.

The bar should include all the features that you want from it, will it be a simple straight bar, or an L-shaped bar? If you want a fridge under the bar then make sure your bar is deep enough to house one.

Take into consideration behind the bar, if you want a back bar, then make sure you leave enough room for this on top of the room for you to manoeuvre around. Plus think about how much room is in front of the bar, especially if you want bar stools

The comfort and layout of the bar area are crucial, if you don’t get this part right, then you will kicking yourself.

Storage Solutions for Pub Sheds

Optimal storage is crucial in a pub shed. It’s where you’ll stock your drinks, glasses, and other bar essentials, keeping them accessible yet out of the way. Shelving that uses the vertical space can be a game-changer, especially if your square footage is limited. Think about installing shelves at different heights to accommodate items of varying sizes.

Cabinets, too, serve a pivotal role. They provide a clutter-free look, hiding away less attractive essentials and keeping your pub shed tidy. If you’re working with a small area, consider sliding doors to save on space needed for door arcs.

Keep in mind the weight of the items your shelves and cabinets will hold. Ensure they’re built with materials that can withstand the load, preferably anchored securely to the walls. This step is about safety as much as it is about storage.

For those extra bits and bobs that don’t have a designated spot, think about creative storage solutions. A magnetic strip for knives or bar tools, hanging stemware racks for wine glasses, or using stackable crates can add character while serving a practical purpose.

A back bar can house multiple shelves for storing glasses and bottles. Shelving under the bar can also provide the same.

Another great storage solution for those items not in constant use is custom built seating. A hollow seat base can provide ample storage for many items.

How To Build Custom Seating

Seating Arrangements in Your Pub Shed

Pub Shed Interior

When you are entertaining in your pub shed, comfortable and stylish seating can’t be overlooked. The question for you is: what seats will serve your pub shed best?

The choice between free-standing and custom-built seating largely depends on your space and personal style. With free-standing seating, you’re looking at versatility. You can rearrange chairs and stools at will, adapting the space for parties, game nights, or quiet evenings.

Custom-built seating, on the other hand, is the ultimate space-saver. If you’ve got a snug pub shed, built-in benches that hug the walls create more room to move and mingle. Plus, it can be tailored to match the bar’s design for a seamless look.

As well as provide extra storage for things like garden furniture cushions, garden umbrella, or things you just don’t use often, but don’t want cluttering up the bar.

Think about material durability and comfort. Stains, wear and tear, and the ease of cleaning are practical points you can’t ignore. Your seats should invite people to relax and stay awhile, so consider cushions and ergonomic designs.

Sitting at the bar on a bar stool is what we like to do, so think about bar stools when you are laying out your bar. Leave enough room for the stools as well as space to pass them, nothing worse than having to get of a bar stool to let someone past.

Appliances And Electricals

Designing the interior of your pub shed is not just about aesthetics; it’s as much about functionality and comfort.

The magic of a welcoming pub shed is often in the ambience, which is heavily influenced by the electrical setup.

Before you start any work on fitting out your pub shed it is wise to think about the appliances and electricals you are going to need and want.

It’s crucial to have an adequate number of socket outlets to serve all your appliances and lighting needs. Plan for outlets strategically located for the fridge, TV, stereo and any additional electronics like an ice machine or WiFi router.

Think ahead too, will you want a kegerator or beer tap set up in the future? These will need socket outlets too, so plan for these before you get your electrics fitted.

This is why it is so important to plan your bar layout and seating before you start any work. Really brainstorm and think about not only what you need, but also what you may want to add in the future.

It is better to have more than enough outlets then not enough

Also, think ahead about where you’ll want your main lighting and whether softer, ambient lighting might be appropriate in certain areas.

When it comes to lighting, both quantity and quality matter. A mix of overhead lights, task lighting, and mood lighting will provide versatility for any occasion. Remember also the switches – make them accessible and consider dimmers for control over intensity.

Outdoor lighting is just as important, not only for safety when navigating to and from your shed at night, but also to highlight your shed’s exterior features or garden paths.

Equally important is how you’ll manage varying temperatures. Pub sheds can become quite cold or hot depending on the season. So you might want to consider heaters as well as some kind of cooler solution.

Again it is important to think about what heating or coolers you might need and where you will place them. This will help your electrician deice on what is needed, it is better to get this right at the beginning, rather than trying to add to it later.

Sockets should be plentiful but discreet, and all wiring must comply with safety regulations. Balance is key – providing adequate power and lighting while maintaining a cozy and inviting atmosphere.

Final Thoughts

Now all the planning is done, it is time to get stuck in and build out your pub shed interior. This is the exciting part and because you planned it well, you know where everything is going, from the socket outlets to the seating.

Planning everything up front makes the fitting out of the interior an easy step by step process. This not only helps with how you complete the work, but also what materials are needed and when to order them.

Once you have completed the fitting out of your pub shed, it then comes to all the other bits and bobs you want to add. Pictures, posters and plenty of pub memorabilia will transform your newly fitted pub shed to a proper pub like space.

Pub Shed Decor Ideas

All that is left to do is enjoy your pub shed, pour a drink and marvel at all your hard work.

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