What Is Glamorgan Welsh Pale Ale Like

Welsh Pale Ale is Tidy, as they say in Wales. A well balanced refreshing pale ale, a joy to drink. It pours a clear Gold with a foamy white one finger head. On the nose it has a good malt base with zesty citrus kick on top. The taste hits with a good biscuity malt foundation supporting plenty of citrus fruit flavours. On the finish is a nice satisfying bitterness. It gets a rate my beer score of 4.6 out of 5.0.

A really well balanced pale that is smooth and refreshing, love it.

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Welsh Pale Ale Review

The name says it all, this is a beer made in Wales and comes from the Welsh Glamorgan Brewing Co.

The Welsh Pale Ale sits in a brown 500ml bottle with a black crown. On the label it is a scene local to the area with the Porthkerry Viaduct taking centre stage. In the sky is a Kite, which references the original name of the Glamorgan Brewing Co.

This Welsh Pale Ale is brewed with Admiral, Amarillo, Cascade, Columbus and Goldings hops, so it doesn’t lack in the hop department. At just 4.3% ABV this beer is shaping up to be a promising session beer.

Pour the beer and it settles to a clear gold with a white foamy top. This does fade to a thin cover, but does stick around to the end. A constant stream of bubbles rise to the top of glass and lacing is good.

Drinking Welsh Pale Ale

The nose is modest with a malty aroma just noticeable, the main aroma show goes to the tropical fruity citrus notes buzzing around the nose buds.

Take a sip and you get a solid biscuit malt base, but then the fun starts with plenty of citrus kick. It is lively in the mouth with notes of lemon, orange and peach. On the back end a grapefruit bitterness takes over carrying a little peppery spice for a satisfying finale.

A medium carbonation in the mouth keeps it alive, but it has a smooth mouthfeel too. It feels modest, almost understated, but it delivers on all levels.

This pale ale is a quality beer, it’s not in your face, but it’s all there. A well balanced easy drinking beer you get pulled into, give me more. It’s a decent beer and gets a decent score of 4.6 out of 5.0.

M’Lady is on board too, saying “This is a nice pale ale, a slight malt undertone with fruity notes and a balanced bitter finish. Another great beer from this brewery.” Lou scores it slightly less at 4.5 out of 5.0.

As Lou says another great beer from Glamorgan Brewing Co.

The Glamorgan Brewery

Welsh Pale Ale

The Glamorgan Brewery is based in Wales, in Llantrisant, Mid Glamorgan. The founder John Anstee actually started the business in 1994 as a wholesale drinks company.

As a beer lover John was not impressed with the amount of quality Welsh beer that was available. So in 2011 he took things in to his own hands and invested in a small brewing kit.

It is clear to see that he made the right move because by 2013 the small brewing kit was replaced by bigger premises and a larger brew kit.

Fast forward thirty years and we have a popular brewery producing popular Welsh beers.

I only wish I lived closer to the brewery because they have a fully stocked shop on site carrying all their beers. Plus if you have a Growler or mini cask they will fill it with beer fresh from the tanks.

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Glamorgan Beer

You might get the feeling that this brewery is an old style traditional brewery. I did, I don’t know why, but I expected their beers to be all traditional beers.

However, ignore that because this brewery is anything but old and traditional. They might brew some classic style beers and take inspiration from local history. But they embrace all styles and have an array of beers to suit every beer entusiast.

Here are some that are itching my taste buds.

Thunder Bird

No it’s nothing to do with Tracey Island and the international rescue, and emergency response service. Thunder Bird is is named after the Red Kites you will often see in the skies above Glamorgan brewery.

It is a classic IPA, or as the brewery put “A proper Welsh IPA” either way It is on my beer radar. A dark beer with complex flavours all finished with a good dollop of bitterness.

At a session 4.5% ABV I am prepared to commit to more than the one, if you know what I mean.


I do love a pint of best bitter now and again, so I’m up for a pint of 1876. Brewed for the Welsh rugby stadium ‘The Cardiff Arms Park’ which has been hosting Rugby since 1881 and sits in the shadow of the famous Principality Stadium.

This chestnut best bitter is a firm favourite and I am sure there have been plenty of pints consumed at the ground. Weighing in at just 4.0% ABV it’s a beer you can get stuck into, if its good enough for the rugby lads, then its good enough for any beer lover.

I’ll have a pint of 1876 please.

Lemon Time

Lemon Time is a summer ale inspired by the early Italian settlers in Wales. It is a hazy pale ale base with a good dollop of lemon puree added into the mix.

It sounds like a tongue curling face puckering experience, but I’m prepared to go all in. Which is not a problem at just 4.0% ABV.

When the when things warm up a little in Wales and the sun is a shinning, then I will be on the trail of Lemon Time summer ale.

Final Thoughts

I have had just two beers from Glamorgan Brewing Co, todays Welsh Pale Ale and Jemima’s Pitchfork, a golden ale.

I have enjoyed both, and just taking a look back at the other review realise I scored them both exactly the same. But there are a lot of similarities between the two, so I guess that figures.

Anyway I am looking forward to working my way through this breweries beer range. Will all their beers hit my sweet spot, or will any fall short? Only time will tell.

If you have tried Glamorgan’s Welsh pale ale, then do share your thoughts below. Let me know how this beer faired with you.

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