How Good Is Clogwyn Gold Ale

A golden hoppy ale from the walled market town Conwy in North Wales. The brewery of the same name Conwy is now in its 20th year having started out in 2003. So how good is their Clogwyn Gold Ale?

Their beer is as natural as it can be, with all their beer being unpasteurised, unfiltered and bottle conditioned. However this means there will be sediment sitting at the bottom of the bottle.

It’s pretty good, crisp and light with a decent bitter end. It pours an orange gold with a two finger white head. On the nose it is light, tropical citrus aromas blend with a slight malt biscuit base. The taste has a mild malty base with citrus notes of grapefruit and a touch of orange. It finishes off with a nice bitter end. A pretty decent beer which gets a rate my beer score of 4.0 – 5.0.

It doesn’t blow your mind, but its a decent golden ale that is well made, a quality beer.

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Conwy Brewery

How Good Is Clogwyn Gold Ale

Conwy Brewery was founded by Gwynne and Adele Thomas in the town of Conwy in North Wales. They brew their beers to have minimal impact in the environment.

They don’t pasteurise their beer which is a heat treatment to prevent the beer spoiling and giving it longer shelf life.

Also they don’t filter their beer which is a process to clean the beer up. They also let their beer condition in the bottle, which is why there will be some sediment left behind.

All this means they reduce the impact on the environment. Plus the beer is more of a natural product and can be more flavoursome.

How Good Is Clogwyn Gold Ale?

You can tell this beer is a quality beer from the moment you pour it. Because it is bottle conditioned you can pour it in one swift action and leave a little in the bottle.

This means the sediment will stay in the bottle and the beer will be clear. However I am okay with the sediment going in the glass, so swirl the last part and add it, which can give the beer a slight haze.

So in my glass (which doesn’t appear to be beer clean, it got a good clean afterwards though) it does take on a hazy appearance.

Drinking Clogwyn Gold

How Good Is Clogwyn Gold Ale

It pours an orange gold in colour, with a two finger white fluffy top. The head retention is pretty good, especially as my glass is not beer clean, unbelievable.

On the nose it is pretty tame with tropical aromas over some light malt. This reflects in the taste too, with a light malty body. There is a hoppy tropical feel to it and grapefruit seems to come through with a little marmalade orange too.

Over all this there is a nice bitterness to finish off and leave a decent aftertaste. Good carbonation gives a nice smooth mouthfeel, although slightly thin. At 4.0% Vol it is an easy drinking session beer.

A pretty good session golden ale that is light and crisp perfect for the spring and summer. It gets a rate my beer score of a straight 4.0 – 5.0.

Conwy Beers

How Good Is Clogwyn Gold Ale

Conwy Brewery have got a decent range of beers, so there is plenty to choose from. I have not experienced many at present, but intend to make why way through their beers over time.

Here I will feature three more beers available at the moment.

Conwy Haze

As the name suggests this is a juicy hazy pale ale using Ekuanot and Citra hops to give it bags of aroma and tropical flavours. It pours a beautiful orange haze and sits in the glass under a generous white top.

This is one I want to get my hands on, it sounds like it could be a tropical hoppy extravaganza. In the can it weighs in at a sessionable 4.5% Vol, so okay to have a second.

Telford Porter

Apparently a Victorian style porter. Rich and dark it explodes with flavours of chocolate caramel and liquorice. A malt body and hints of fruit lurk in the background.

Sounds like a delight and a porter I will definitely being trying soon. It packs a porter punch at 6.0% Vol, so just the one will do.

Conwy Red

Conwy Red is as you might expect a red ale which is described as rich and smooth. Boasting citrus hoppy notes with a rich dark malt body and a little fruitiness thrown in.

I do love a red ale and this one sounds pretty good, so it is on my list. It qualifies as a session beer and weighs in at 4.5% Vol.

Final Thoughts

I haven’t sampled many of the Conwy beers, however I will be working my way through their range. I do like the Conwy APA which got a high rate my beer score.

Likewise Clogwyn Gold is also a decent beer, not as hoppy as I was expecting, but still a solid beer. I am looking forward to trying the Telford Porter and Conwy Red, so they are high on my beer list.

How about you?

If you have experienced any Conwy beers, then do share your thoughts below and let us know your views.

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